Our mission is to farm the ocean, restore our estuaries, and educating our community. We are proud to be part of the growing aquaculture sector of Rhode Island’s economy. Our approach to farming is through the lean philosophy. Lean farming focuses on minimizing waste, pursuing perfection, and as we like to say “farming from the neck up”! This means that we are constantly improving and adjusting our practices to have the least amount of pressure on the environment, the oysters, and ourselves, whether it is changing the materials we use, how we do certain tasks, or inventing new tools or ways to do things.
Oyster farming is great for the environment by providing habitats for local species of fish and invertebrates, while improving the water quality through filter feeding. A single adult oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day. By filter feeding, oyster can also reduce the amount of harmful algal bloom-causing nitrogen in the waters. Oyster farming is also a great example of zero impact farming. This means with thoughtful and intentional farming practices, there is very little impact to the environment and very little resources needed to care for our oysters as they do not require any additional food or water other than what is already in their environment.
We are currently in over 50 local restaurants and markets and while we prioritize supporting RI businesses, we are excited to offer our product around the country and are planning to expand through wholesale opportunities. Along with our interest in supplying our product throughout the country, we are also creating partnerships with multiple oyster farms that provide both oyster seed and market oysters to customers.
We have always looked towards turning the oyster farm into an educational platform. We will be expanding our ability to provide tours and field trips to our community in the coming season.